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  • Writer's pictureGruvi

The trickster

G is born stubborn

Almost like T

Playing an emperor

When in fact a trickster

Supposed to be a magician

I only can accept as my equal


When things get little tough

G ’s dropping everything

Disappearing like Houdini

G is quick there

After a short while, a tiny voice comes through

„Look...I am having fun! Look!”

There is no one in the room

There is nobody

Only few thousand eyes and one pair of ears on the wall

A beer, or an empty bottle

It makes me wonder

If the voice is coming from the bottle

Why trickster

In a tiny big room beside

Under ancient ruins

Some woman is crying out loud

Pouring her broken heart

The trickster’s voice gets uncomfortable

Hoping the walls are thick

It whispers only once

“You should be happy that it happened

Not be sorry that it’s over”

Quoting his doctor S

Then disappears forever

But the echo is still there

What it really wants to say is:

“Be happy, even when you are sad...

Like me! Look how happily sad I am

And shush!”

But what it really, really wants to say is:

“Look how sadly happy I am

And please don’t yell

How I made you sad!”

Playing an emperor

When in fact

A page of drones

Look trickster

I only want magician

That’s all

I wish you a true happiness

You do deserve it

After so much wounding

Stop tricking your self

Stay in the lab

When things get little tough

Sincerely yours


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